
By karaokestar - 23/04/2009 04:42 - Canada

Today, I sang my signature tune at a karaoke bar - What A Wonderful World - and I thought I sounded my best yet. After my performance, I went outside to get some air. Then, I got assaulted in the parking lot and ended up going to the hospital. What a wonderful world indeed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 051
You deserved it 5 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. The Karaoke critics by you are a lot harsher than any karaoke bar I have ever been to. Usually they just heckle you if your bad.

Umm miss? I do not understand one word you just typed.


Wow. The Karaoke critics by you are a lot harsher than any karaoke bar I have ever been to. Usually they just heckle you if your bad.

yest you werent hurt enough to right this?? meh well tis life...

Umm miss? I do not understand one word you just typed.

I've wished I could do that to people singing karaoke before. Esp songs like that.

_7_Anonymous_7_ 0

I doubt you were assaulted because of your singing. But that is quite ironic. You consider singing Karaoke a performance?

Duckie101 0

at least u have a fan base :D

Eresbel 0

laissez-faire (with an "e") is most appropriately used for economics.

true. i just learned that and im in 9th grade lol

asxp10 0

Agree with #4. It's probably not your singing, just tough luck. Sorry :/ FYL.

I agree with number 4. But,yeah, that must have sucked.

That's what you get for taking this karaoke crap so seriously, your not a star, if you were you'd be rich. Karaoke is for un talented drama queens that want attention.