By poopybed - 01/04/2011 21:12 - United States

Today, I found out that my dog is so lazy, she doesn't even get out of my bed in the morning to poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 700
You deserved it 6 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't get out of bed to poop if I knew someone else would clean it up. Why bother!?

YDI.... your dog is sick. if anyone's lazy it's you for not taking the poor thing to the vet.


HarlemzAngelita 0

well here's a solution #DON'TLET THEDOGINBED de-da-de

maybe it wouldnt be so lazy if he got some exersize!

OP, the dog should not be in the bed with you. Crate her at night or accept that you will be sleeping in her crap. When they get old they piss and shit in the bed so you have that to look forward to if you don't get her into a crate now. The crate should be large enough for her to stand and turn around in but no bigger or she'll crap one part of the crate and sleep in another. If she's a chewer don't put anything in the crate with her or she might choke to death while you sleep. Most dogs will not soil their sleeping area volunatarily so if this is all the space she has, then she is more likely to squeeze her rectum shut until she has the opportunity to unload appropriately. She is sleeping in your bed so she can take a shit in one spot and move to another, leaving you to clean it up. Do not clean up her mess in front of her. That does give her the idea that she can shit wherever she pleases and you are the cleanup committee. If she consistently craps the crate, diaper her. Sometimes the diaper shames them, sometimes they hate having a load in their pants but in both cases it should stop and you will wake up to a dog who has to potty but is wearing a clean diaper. If she craps her pants, it's easier to toss her dirty diaper and wipe her ass than it is to have her shit your bed. Also the first time she soils a diaper do not be in a rush to change her. Leave it on her for a long time, at least an hour, so she gets a good dose of what a soiled diaper feels like. I hope this was helpful.

jazziness 12

why would you write out this long comment waste of time!

Ha! I bet you he was the first one to start writing a comment, but it took too long. :P

OneLittleAdditio 9

jazziness ur comment was a bigger waste of time than Bankrupt. Bankrupt provided some useful info unlike you.

No 21 you can purchase dog diapers in a variety of sizes either online or in a pet store. They can be expensive so you can also convert human diapers to dog diapers by cutting a tail hole. Just be sure the hole isn't too big or the shit will fall out of the hole. Children's swimmy diapers work best because there are no tabs so the dogs have a harder time getting out of them. I hope this was helpful to someone.

SceneRaver 0

holy shit dude! are you a vet or some shit?!

Autoshot 9

KaySL, are you really wasting time pointing out that Jazziness is wasting time pointing out Bankrupt is wasting time? Now I am wasting time pointing out you are wasting time pointing out Jazziness is wasting time pointing out that Bankrupt is wasting time.. SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO?!? :)

A dog doesn't tend to defecate in its "area". I'd be worried something may be wrong with it. Maybe a check up is in order?

jazziness 12
zero1469 0

how old is ur dog? maybe it cud b sick

olivia_r 0

Well thats rude, I hope if you get incontinent some one throws you in a cage with no attention.

true, it's rude. you could at least have the decency to eat it!

crissy123 0

lol I have 5 dogs I know it stinks! but they know better now!!!!:)