By fakelaugher - 20/12/2010 03:41 - United States

Today, I found out that my friends have been "fake laughing" whenever I make a joke just so that the situation doesn't get awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 292
You deserved it 24 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skittlebabe 0


it's not awkward unless you make it awkward right? ^_^

perdix 29

Hahahahahahahaahahahaha! (Can I stop now? . . . No?) Hahahahahahahaha! (Now? . . . Cool.) That was a good one, man!

You can't stop just yet, please continue fake laughing :)

I fake laugh at my own lame jokes. HAHAHAHA! wooo...

how is that an fml?? it's not even bad!!!