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You can't handle the truth!

By WhoNeedsFriends - 28/08/2021 10:01 - United States - Staten Island

Today, my friends held a roast for my birthday, as per my request. They went pretty hard and I got a little uncomfortable. Afterwards, I told them that their jokes were a little too far, and they said all of their roasts were 100% genuine, and they just needed an excuse to tell me their problems with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 368
You deserved it 1 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You asked for you don't get to complain afterward you didn't like it.

Why the hell would anyone ask to be insulted, even in jest? That’s the part I don’t understand. Life is not a TV show with scripted or edited outcomes. People tend to pile on and a roast can become unbearable. Finally , don’t ask for the “truth” if you are not prepared to hear it.


That’s why whenever anyone I know asks me a question I know they may not like my answer to, I ask “do you want the honest truth, or what you want to hear answer?” This way they get the answer they really want.

Why the hell would anyone ask to be insulted, even in jest? That’s the part I don’t understand. Life is not a TV show with scripted or edited outcomes. People tend to pile on and a roast can become unbearable. Finally , don’t ask for the “truth” if you are not prepared to hear it.

You asked for you don't get to complain afterward you didn't like it.

What else did you expect when you asked to be roasted? But hey now when you know their problems maybe this could be an opportunity for you to talk it out? Happy birthday!

What else did you expect when you asked to be roasted? But hey now when you know their problems maybe this could be an opportunity for you to talk it out? Happy birthday!