By SureDoesMakeAGirlFeelGood - 13/04/2016 01:45 - Canada - Paradise

Today, I found out that my husband has more topless pictures of his ex on his computer than he does of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 485
You deserved it 4 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amelitaliz 22

He shouldn't have any of his ex topless! We're clear that's the real problem, right? Not who he has more of? Good. Just checking.

It's best if he doesn't have any pics of you nude, you never know what could happen with those pictures, but he shouldn't have her pictures if he's in a relationship with you


I'm just gonna be honest... I have the same problem ?

Wait one second tho, is his ex a **** star or model? Cause if she's either of the two it's acceptable

jake_robbo 10

Clearly you need to step your game up.

Paste a picture of a big, hard **** and balls over all of them :)

You should send him more to change that

itsjulia16 4

Everyone trying to justify whyyyy he has this pictures is missing the whole ******* point!! It clearly upsets that he kept any pics of his ex...she is allowedddd to be upset over it cause if any of you were in her position, I'm guessing you would be just as upset as well...and for those of you who are saying he prob "forgot" isn't even plausible..maybeeeee if it was just the pics of the ex, but he's keeping both on there and since she is currently with him that means he uploading these pics of hers while also keeping the old ones of his ex!!! Idk how none of you would realize this except for the reason that people are trying to justify a mans disrespectful actions as usual...smh, let people get upset over something that clearly warrants to be upset about...she should talk to him and say it is disrespectful and ask for him to delete and if he says no then that would be just a bigger problem...also for you who is saying it's probably just "****" for him sounds completely ridiculous, just because he has seen his ex naked before doesn't mean he can save her pics for later when he's in anotherrrrr relationship and say he uses it for "****"..that would be like saying, well I've had sex with my ex before, so sleeping with them again shouldn't be a "big deal" cause there is no emotional attachment, it's just no, it's wrong and disrespectful and keeping photos of another person whether it's an ex, friend, or whoever that is nottt your significant other is a form of cheating because you knowwww your current person you're with wouldn't approve...

firstly, he shouldn't be having those pics after they have broken up. secondly, you shouldn't be sending topless or nude pics to him or letting him take any pics, cos t sounds like they might end up on the net very soon

You probably look better with your shirt on. ;-)