By Charles Pennington - 22/11/2011 11:36 - United States

Today, I found out that my new roommate got kicked out of his old house because he pulled a gun on his old roommates and threatened them. The reason? They nagged him about dishes he left in the sink. Well, only 10 months left on the lease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 875
You deserved it 3 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

weepingangel_fml 7

They didn't call the cops on him?


ellakacyme22 6

10 months is stiil far away, so you best be carefull

Make him think you are the crazy one. Put a headband on and cover your head and upper torso in war paint. In the middle of the night scream really loud to wake him, then run into his room and jump on him while he is still in bed. Grab his pyjama collar with your free hand (the other one holding a rolling pin), look him straight in the eye and scream, with a lot of spit, "The dirt is out to get me! If I'm going down you're coming with me!". Then do your war scream again and sprint to the bathroom. This should **** him up enough to keep the place clean. If it doesn't work the first time, keep repeating it until he complies or moves out. Either way, problem solved.

Yeah or he'd just shoot him in the night instead of over household chores and justify it as valiantly putting op out of his misery.

That WOULD work....until the roomate goes "alright, brother! *pulls out gun and sword* let's go kick some dirt ass!!!"

Or, until the room mate shoots him in the face and say it was self defense.

You could always try to sublet the lease to someone else and get another apartment. You probably should've done a little more research on this guy before letting him move in though.

It's a good idea to check previous rental history. Red flag if they don't give you their previous landlords phone number!

ArthursLifeSucks 2

I agree, arm yourself and then have a friendly discussion on the division of household chores.

joee182 3

**** that just move out mofo is crazy!

princessmollysue 9

Uh oh I think someone going to need to keep an gun under there pillow !

rallets 22

ive seen your picture everywhere, thats not you

Op, did you hear about this hot new thing? So many people are doing it these days... It's called a "background check."