By Charles Pennington - 22/11/2011 11:36 - United States

Today, I found out that my new roommate got kicked out of his old house because he pulled a gun on his old roommates and threatened them. The reason? They nagged him about dishes he left in the sink. Well, only 10 months left on the lease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 875
You deserved it 3 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

weepingangel_fml 7

They didn't call the cops on him?


Wow, this makes Eddie, Joey's roommate, sound like a lovely person and a model of mental health...

hateevryone 14

why didn't he go to jail? that's crazy

theonlysweetpea 10

I have to give it to #27. That was awesome!

thatoneitalian 3

This is where you put your own dishes in the sink, and when he lectures you, YOU pull a gun on HIM.

Why only kicked out? Shouldn't he have been arrested...?

dubstepfreak123 0

Buy a bigger gun. Then nag him for not starting the dish washer

No, no, no, sweety. You got to do it like I do, full background check, find out where he often hangs out, talk to his parents, friends, and old neighbors, then take traces of his DNA. This plan is fool-proof, it works for the FBI.

When I come to power, anyone who leaves dirty dishes in the sink gets the death penalty. Do people think they wash themselves, or something?

What kind of gun did he pull? This little morsel of info is impertinent. A pellet gun is drastically different than a shotgun.