By Charles Pennington - 22/11/2011 11:36 - United States

Today, I found out that my new roommate got kicked out of his old house because he pulled a gun on his old roommates and threatened them. The reason? They nagged him about dishes he left in the sink. Well, only 10 months left on the lease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 875
You deserved it 3 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

weepingangel_fml 7

They didn't call the cops on him?


Why you didn't you check his rental history before having him move in? That's like the first thing you do when someone you don't know is about to move in with you, which from your FML, it seems like that must be the case.

That sounds like my sisters old room mate.who did the exact same thing.and got the exact same's probably him.well...FYL

Get that gun NigaHiga just advertised about :) Call now and you get TWO 'Hard and Plastic Realistic but not real gun.'

Or why not just buy a dishwasher and eliminate at least that point of tension?

meg882002 0

Sounds very uncomfortable don't ask for dishes to be done

Wow. And I thought I had it rough dealing with 2 roommates not doing dishes, cleaning and leaving their crap in the toilet.

huh_what 4

ydi, for not finding out more about the person you'll be living with.

chels1994 11

the lease isn't even worth it...get out now

Reminds me of one of my old housemates. After she threatened me, we all made sure she would have to get kicked out of the house. Took lots of proof and complaints, seeing the police and the court, but we succeeded in the end. She was just mentally unstable and shouldn't have been allowed to live with people when she was antisocial to start with. I hope a solution comes to you soon, and that the same thing doesn't happen to you.