By thisistypical - 14/09/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, I found out that the money my husband said he loaned to his "mother" actually went to the purchase of new lingerie for the woman he's cheating on me with. I just got the bill from the department store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 465
You deserved it 3 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roses are red Violets are blue Your credit cards maxed Looks like you're screwed


hockeyfml555 0

jonney and marissa sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love, then comes marriage then come an abrupt, tragic miscarriage then comes blame, then comes despair, two hearts damaged beyond repair... jonny leaves marissa, and takes the tree D-I-V-O-R-C-E not very appropriate but who cares

I didn't know strippers had to buy their own uniforms. That he calls his stripper-girlfriend "mother" is disturbing.

Why? It's comparable to "Who's your daddy!?"...

I think that is creepy, too. Ironic, huh?

Hopefully, when they are tasting the other, they shouldn't be able to form an intelligible sentence.

Hmm, "typical" huh? Shoulda seen that one coming, then... Regardless, flush the douche.

department stores dont send bills !!! they issue receipts and are given to the person buying the item, not sent to the wife. this is BS

Don't department stores have credit cards or charge accounts on your planet?

this is when you ask where your new lingerie is..and then hold up the bill and bust him

wellinever 5

If you loaned him the money, how come a store is sending you a bill? Make your mind up.


LOL I'm waiting for an FML soon that reads 'Today, my husband gave me some lingerie for my b-day that he'd been stashing away to surprise me. I have already paid a divorce attorney to draw up papers, because I saw the invoice and assumed he's been cheating. FML.'

whatamidoinghere 0

Maybe he is just a cross-dresser.