By thisistypical - 14/09/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, I found out that the money my husband said he loaned to his "mother" actually went to the purchase of new lingerie for the woman he's cheating on me with. I just got the bill from the department store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 465
You deserved it 3 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roses are red Violets are blue Your credit cards maxed Looks like you're screwed


skullbuster 0

Well, he may have been telling the truth. How do you know he doesn't call her "mommy" while she is ramming him in the ass with a strap on?

I would have been on to him at the first mention of "mother". You Lose.

Ever consider he bought it for you and just hasn't given it to you yet?

Keep that bill as evidence and you can win the divorce settlement. Time to move on.

Did he at least get your mother's size right?! ZING!

kris12k4 7

yes bcause he loans out MONEY and u got BILLED for it ... WTF

Lilllly_1316 0

Maybe, maybe, he is giving it to you for your birthday or something. :)

why'd you get a bill if he already borrowed the money to pay for it

he's an asshole u should dump him cause I'm sorry but normal people just don't do that kind of shit