By Anonymous - 06/04/2015 03:31 - United States - New Britain

Today, I found out that the nickname my friend has been calling me in Japanese for the past year is the word for "Idiot". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 929
You deserved it 5 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should be happy you aren't one of those idiots to tattoo Japanese symbols real big on their body


Baka? That's simple Japanese like everyone knows that.

baka is one of the most well known Japanese words. YDI for taking a year to look it up.

What's the word? Yknow for uh...more knowledge on the Japanese culture? :D Update: No wait, I know the word now from all the comments. I should have looked there first xD

My friend used to call me fa tas.After a few months of this I asked him if he was speaking spanish(bc he is Mexican). He said no its just the way he called me a Fat Ass.

Anata wa Baka Chitsu desu. (あなたわばかちつです。) I'm sure you now know I just called you a stupid **** lol