By Anonymous - 06/04/2015 03:31 - United States - New Britain

Today, I found out that the nickname my friend has been calling me in Japanese for the past year is the word for "Idiot". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 929
You deserved it 5 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should be happy you aren't one of those idiots to tattoo Japanese symbols real big on their body


tantanpanda 26

Sorry, but even people who don't watch anime at least know what baka means. It's a strong YDI on this one.

Soverain 15

It's not like I wanted to give you a nickname...Baka!

gintwinsmoore 20

And this is your friend, eh??? Time for you to reevaluate that friendship.

XBurytheCastleX 25

Don't be a Baka, always translate your nick name before accepting it.

AnOriginalName 19

52, I figure I'm speaking for the majority when I say that I neither watch anime nor know a word of Japanese.