By WellShit - 04/01/2013 02:19 - United States - New Richland

Today, I found out that there's something my new wife hates more than spiders. Black people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 826
You deserved it 5 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder how much she hates black spiders.

You just found this out after marrying her..?


Most people are raised with certain beliefs, and tend to cling to them later in life. Maybe you could talk to her about it or introduce her to some of your friends that are black. You may be able to change her opinion. No advice for her hatred of spiders... That's generally incurable.

Sounds like you need to leave, because even if you can deal with that (although I hope you can't), we certainly don't need you impregnating this woman and raising intolerant kids.

I'm with you for the most part, but maybe he can see if he can change her views. If he can that'd be better than just releasing her into the world to wreak havoc. If not, then yeah, leaving is a good choice. The more people ignore this problem, the worse it'll get.

Laurenlou 24

It sounds like people need to mean, "I love you," when they say it. Love implies helping the person you love out it any situation. So OP should help his wife. Why shouldn't OP just change her views? If they are a fairly young couple, (in their 20's or 30's) it would not be difficult to persuade her. She may need counseling but is it really worth ruining a relationship over when it can be fixed? Plus, it's not like they can't talk about what and what not to teach their children. The fact that she thinks a certain way will not be handed down to her child unless she teaches the child that they should hate black people. Racist need help. So help them instead of exiling them.

59: I appreciate the sentiment of what you're saying but you'd be surprised at how hard it can be to change someone's views - racists are some of the worst people for it. I come from an area with a lot of racial tension and it's full of racist idiots. I've been friends with a few people who turned out to be racist and there was no way on your life they were ever going to change their views, no matter how many reasonable counter-arguments you threw at them. I hope OP can change his wife into a nice, non-bigoted person, but it's not always possible unfortunately :(

Laurenlou 24

64- My grandparents and some of my relatives are racist. I know they are particularly stubborn, especially if they live in a little town where there are literally no black people. I understand how difficult it is to change their minds. However, there is still the possibility that OP can live with his wife, whom he most likely loves, have children, and mutually agree with his wife to not raise them in a racist home. I know too many racist people for my liking, but I will never give up trying to help them.

vencku 13

I don't agree with racism, but does it require "help"? Is it a disease? My mother is fairly racist - very vocal about not wanting a black-in-law - yet when she meets one, she is polite. I think there are much bigger problems than someone whose discours is rude, but whose behaviour is acceptable.

vencku 13

It all depends on the degree of racism. If his wife actually goes around attacking black people, she should go to prison. If she says some rude things, that is wrong, but not a reason to divorce. It can be talked about like adults, not "treated" as though she is mind-sick.

pinkpixie06 11

Am I the only one who wants to know how you found that out?

Matty1188 6

How long was your courtship? That sounds like something that wouldn't take long to discover.

onorexveritas 23