They're not real

By Boyufd - 05/11/2020 17:01

Today, my girlfriend, KNOWING I have severe arachnophobia, changed the wallpapers on my phone and tablet to pictures of tarantulas, all because she's mad at me. And she won't change it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 904
You deserved it 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kimdaa 13

Okay, your girlfriend's sense of humor is warped...but can't you change the wallpaper back yourself? You should probably consider locking your devices with a password in the future.

Marcella1016 31

To those telling OP to change it back or look up how, he said he has SEVERE arachnophobia - he may be unable to look at the pictures at all to make the changes. OP possibly find a third party to do it for you. A friend or family member or something. And sorry to say this, but you may want to reassess your relationship with her as she seems to have no respect for a serious issue you have. There are healthier ways to settle a disagreement, but this method seems like overly antagonistic, toxic behavior. My two cents from the part of the story I know. Good luck.


kimdaa 13

Okay, your girlfriend's sense of humor is warped...but can't you change the wallpaper back yourself? You should probably consider locking your devices with a password in the future.

It seems pretty sad that OP does not know how to set or change the wallpaper on their own phone or tablet. Not everyone is a technical expert but that’s pretty basic. OP just Google how to change the wallpaper on your model phone and tablet.

Ambrily 27

I'm sure he knows how to do it, but he can't because of the spiders. It is a phobia, not that easy to overcome.

Marcella1016 31

To those telling OP to change it back or look up how, he said he has SEVERE arachnophobia - he may be unable to look at the pictures at all to make the changes. OP possibly find a third party to do it for you. A friend or family member or something. And sorry to say this, but you may want to reassess your relationship with her as she seems to have no respect for a serious issue you have. There are healthier ways to settle a disagreement, but this method seems like overly antagonistic, toxic behavior. My two cents from the part of the story I know. Good luck.

You're such a wuss! You need to change your silly, irrational fear of eensy weensy spiders to a real adult fear, like expense reports. Unless it's from a black widow or brown recluse, a spider bite is nothing compared to getting chewed out by Peggy from Accounting. ****! That's terrifying!

Sady_Ct 37

How many times have you been bitten? I live in Australia and I get bitten often, nothing toxic as yet but scary enough all the same.

14 Well, Peggy told everyone at her beauty salon and her family about the dumb **** who submitted parking costs under Lodging and not Transportation, and the whole town thought I was an idiot and I had to move out of state! Really scary!

I think its time for you both to start seeing other men.

what makes you think the OP is bi?

Screw your girlfriend and the people in the comments making this seem like you're an overreactive wuss. Your girlfriend, who is supposed to love and support you, used your fear against you. That's classic abuse. You are not overreacting.