By rivercitybarf - 08/08/2009 08:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
By blowinchunks - 24/11/2009 06:00 - Canada
By Rachel - 02/02/2009 22:00 - United States
By Ryuuchild666 - 01/10/2018 13:30
By iHateWorms - 23/12/2009 03:52 - Australia
By annony-moose - 06/02/2010 18:48 - France
By MaggotMother - 20/04/2013 10:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/02/2016 18:36 - United States - Milford
By Anonymous - 21/03/2014 05:14 - United States - Phoenix
By McWhopper - 08/05/2015 17:40 - United States - Brookline
By ewwww - 26/05/2013 17:55 - United States - Oak Lawn
Top comments
Well how would you know before you ate it you idiot?
Because you see holes in the apple, How else do you think they get in? and there can be other characteristics like the OP bought a bounch of rotten apples
Haha #7 wins~
YDI for killing Julius Ceaser.
Today, I realized that banana peels really are slippery. I mean, I didn't see any bananas today, but I did research, and according to the friction coefficient, and conservation of momentum, I learned that they really are slippery, and would cause you to fall if you did actually walk on one. FML
Who the hell doesn't know that actually happens in real life?
i once had a worm in my giant strawberry. those sons of assholes
YDI for eating an apple.
Well at least you know the apple is less likely to be full of pesticides.....
Eating organic can be worse for you, they often spray with "naturaly occuring" chemicals, the oil in poison ivy is "naturaly occuring" doesn't mean you should eat it. And often times because these "natural" chemicals are less effective farmers have to dump more on the crop to do the same thing as a small amount of lab engineered pesticides.
depends what kind of organic food you're eating. a lot of organic food isn't organic, they're just ripping people off and trying to sell their products to the health obsessed. but real organic food is good for you.
We farm thousands of acres and have NEVER used anything that would harm anyone. Most of the chemicals used on plants become inert when they hit the soil or touch water. Think about what you say before you scare people about their food source. And do some real life research. Like maybe go to an actual farm and watch what they do and how they do it.
Maybe it was a teeny source of protien that got through the stem/part no one eats on the bottom? And, yeees, #73, rabbits say "What's up Doc?', all martians wear skirts while every single coyote shoots Acme Anvils. And irishdancer fails. At life. Despite the new take on sushi and awesome amount of protien, that's just not okay . . . Can't imagine if that happened to me . . .
Dude, I live on a 54.5 acre apple farm and my family as far back as I know has run fruit farms, the other side has raises fruit trees on nurseries for forty years-decended from centuries of farmers have studied senior high sc chemistry& Bio and have parents who are both farmers, in the agricultural insurance industry & and they have degrees in chem eng tech, and agriculture respectively During the fall season i eat a half bushel of apples a day fresh off the tree almost never washing them (when bored) and still live i personnaly have seen millions of apples in twelve different varieties, more than most people can fu**ing imagin and if anyone cares, we use glyphosate, .... etc
and i said "can" be dangerous, depending on the local guidelines where you live organic can mean anything in ontario their sort of lax and i don't doubt you're responsible with what and when you spray the trees organic can be done health-freindly if done right
Better than finding half a worm.
WTFAIL, how old are you -.-'
that sucks. i once had a plate of fried rice with a fried roach inside. didn't realise it till i finish 90% of it.
That's what u get for eating healthy apparently lol.
YDI for eating.

Better than finding half a worm.
Well at least you know the apple is less likely to be full of pesticides.....