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By Anonymous - 23/11/2009 10:13 - United States

Today, I found out that some men think it's OK to clip their fingernails at the table, in a restaurant, on a first date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 846
You deserved it 2 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he wasn't using a Pedegg on his feet and dumping the shavings into the food.

Wow men go to such lengths to show disinterest.


At least he wasn't using a Pedegg on his feet and dumping the shavings into the food.

Bahahahaha my boyfriend actually threatened to replace our grated Parmesan cheese with Ped-Egg shavings after I pulled a prank on him. Mmmm. Feet. Tasty?

on the advert they dump the shavings into a saucepan

they throw the shavings into a saucepan in the advert

Wow men go to such lengths to show disinterest.

youthink_fml 0

No, not some men - this man. And what do you expect in redneck South Carolina?

Yeah lol what do you actually expect of a man living in America???? Nothing haha

Veritas143 0

For every insult I see about an American Guy..I shall kill you.

yeah, you're right, we're all just socially handicapped buffoons here.

LOL #3! That is just gross! I dated a guy that smelled them after he was done. We didn't date long after that!

I'm guessing there won't be a 2nd date?

perdix 29

Did he want you to complete the mani-pedi? On the second date, he plans to trim his nose hairs. I'd try to make that a date that doesn't involve food.

fragmite 1

I'm guessing he was trying to gross you out so there wouldn't be a second date.

Erindub 0

You should've started picking your nose abd eating it