By DarkMaskDiva - 16/06/2011 00:24 - United States

Today, I found out the medications my doctor gave me for depression are making me fat. My main reason for depression is an eating disorder. Now, I'm fat instead of just thinking I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 140
You deserved it 6 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Yeah, but jolly fat people are better than sad fat people! Seriously, though, go to a specialist on eating disorders. You're aware you have one, aware you need help.. Now get the help, if you can afford it. Otherwise, talk to your doctor. There's different meds you can try, and differrnt methods. Exercise can help your depression, and it MIGHT help your self-image.


Damn! fyl op.. maybe u should go to the gym and excersise some or eat healthy? (not a fat joke either)

MsBane 0

Oh Kawboy.. why did you have to ruin your body with a tribal sleeve?

Oh MsBane... cause I really liked the design and where I'm from u don't see many full tribal sleeves :)

MsBane 0

I guess I'll except your answer.

emmanizzer 6

I loooove tribals! I would totally get one if I was a guy.

Love ur tattoo!!!!! Can u email me a pic of it please?? [email protected] Thank u!!

26- You'll what his answer?? Oh oh, you mean 'accept'! You will ACCEPT his answer! Oh okay, got it.

pimpnainteasy 5

I have a sleeve of dragons and a koi fish. And a tsunami effect

There's plenty more depression pills to choose from. Don't get too down in the dumps OP (:

you should be doing something about it rather than submitting an FML.

Yes, because posting a FML takes up SO much time that OP couldn't POSSIBLY find the time to go to her doctor.

alwayzjess 0

That's terrible there is different depression pills ask your doctor for a different prescription because this one isn't working for you.

how long have you been taking the meds? ask the doctor to change them

if youre depressed why are you posting this and telling us?

Ricrad 11

Comments like this are why depressed people are reluctant to get help.

Ask them for a different prescription, like other people said. Some make you gain weight, some make you lose weight, and some don't affect your weight at all. You just have to keep trying until you find one that works for you. Also, counseling would probably be an excellent addition to your medication. It's been shown that therapy + meds have the best results (fot most people, anyway). Good luck! I know how tough battling depression can be.

bloodshedblack 5

now shes depressed because she has the wrong depression medication. lol

jellybelliez 0

awww sori to hear!! maybe umm.....………................. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk wut 2 tell u!! u shood sue him 4 that

dudeitsdanny 9

I should sue your grade school teachers for emotional distress.

Beebow_fml 5

This is what makes me lose faith in humanity.

kiaralove53 0

My mother had to go on hormone therapy. The first medication type she received made her get a bad allergic reaction. Can she sue for that? No! You just switch pills...

bpell15 5

I have to agree with dudeitsdanny. I think I just lost brain cells reading that.

Read her profile and let the rofls commence.

reagan71 11

Haha just took your advice Johnny and she seems like a class act. Too funny

she's probably still in middle school from the looks of things, it's not really nice to make fun of kids.

ReynshineCutting 10

It's not making fun of them when they're morons who are one day going to be involved in society.

cockseverywhere 2

I was intelligent when I was in middle school. that's no excuse.

Well when youll stop taking them pills ull loose weight and after that u wont think ur fat since you wont be fat anymore! Its not that bad OP cheer up.

...except many people need to take antidepressants for the rest of their lives, plus waiting would be miserable for the op. Their best bet is to try a different pill. As someone on an SNRI myself, I know how hard it can to go off one prescription and onto another, but it can be worth it. And before some smartass tells me it's "SSRI," I'm on a slightly newer class of antidepressants called serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.

Flutist 3

Also, its not instantaneous weight loss. You don't get off the pill and suddenly you're thin. Those pills mess with your brain chemistry, weaning off them could potentially put Op at risk.

kpadgett045 0