By Josh - 27/09/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, I found out the reason why my therapist was so nice to me all of the time. Apparently, she is afraid that I'm going to stab her if she pisses me off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 5 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put a menacing face on and mabye you'll get a discount ;)

perdix 29

They're nice to you because you pay them. Follow the money. If she thought you were really dangerous, she'd send you to a psychiatric hospital. She knows you are just a pussy full of rage and impotence. She's not afraid you'll pull out a knife, but that you'll put away your checkbook.


zellybo15 0

now where would she ever get an idea like that from?

HunterAlpha1 8

maybe you should stop wearing the black ski mask to your appointments.

You shoulda gotten up, yelled something like "WHY YOU LITTLE (insert word of choice)" acted really angry, brought your arm back to punch them, and then sat back down laughing.

AWESOME! U sound like me! :) not kidding

tequilabutterfly 0
schealey 0

You should stab her for it. Totally kidding lol

JessieBrianneKim 3

That would make me kind of angry, angry enough to chop their head off!

well u know what they say about to keep everything away from assumption...u should get pissed off at that idea and stab her lol!!!

itsklaudia 3

dude damn.. ppl dont like to piss me off sometimes cuz they think i will stab them.. ppl just dont get it sometimess

AnniKatrynia 3

id start laughing my ass off if my therapist said that to me..