By Anonymous - 08/06/2013 19:01 - Australia - Perth

Today, I found out why my daughter eats so many sugary baked goods. According to her, when you bake things, all the sugar and calories are "released" and so you can't gain weight from it. It seems I raised a moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 634
You deserved it 9 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think she's confused with cooking food to kill bacteria ! Hahahah she's needs to take a nutrition class , poor girl

SirTalkaton 22

We have the cure for obesity, just bake everything! Hooray!


Better watch out for her. She's probably the type of girl to believe that jumping up and down after sex counts as birth control.

ViviMage 38

Sneeze, wash, stand up, some rhyme you say. Even douching/drinking bleach. None of that works!

gatorgirl2669 6

wow... i think she needs to take some baking classes... and she might need to take chemistry... wow she's a smart one

life_sucks225 13

If you lived in America this wouldn't be a FML

the_dumb_duck 7

The humane thing is to put her down

ViviMage 38

Alcohol is boiled off, so most, but not all baked goods with yeast had alcohol but have very little by the time it is baked and cut. Heat kills bacteria Just tell her if she keeps eating the muffins they will collect in her midsection and she'll have a muffin top!

Apparently you're not through raising her as she has many things to learn it seems.

That's awesome! Lol sorry to hear op. maybe get her to go to a nutritionalist and have them explain the reality of baked goods and sugar. Or, there's always health magazines and the Internet :)

xxVampiresRulexx 14

I'm curious as to how old she is...