By Tim - 07/08/2011 02:49 - United States

Today, I found that there is nothing worse than coming home to a snake slithering across your kitchen floor. Except when it disappears into your cabinets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 723
You deserved it 3 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it wasn't a naked man slithering across your kitchen floor…

Snaaaaake, snaaaaaake, ohhhhh itttssss aaa snaaaaake...


snakes I can deal with. spiders, not so much. I am severely arachnaphobic

What about two snakes slithering across your kitchen floor

nothing Billy the exterminator can't handle!

just get the 12 Gage and pump it full of lead. or call an exterminator.

I wouldn't cry, but I'd totally break out in a cold sweat. I'm deathly afraid of snakes too.

Bear Grylls that bitch! Save money and eat it!