By Tim - 07/08/2011 02:49 - United States

Today, I found that there is nothing worse than coming home to a snake slithering across your kitchen floor. Except when it disappears into your cabinets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 723
You deserved it 3 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it wasn't a naked man slithering across your kitchen floor…

Snaaaaake, snaaaaaake, ohhhhh itttssss aaa snaaaaake...


mikaelaachanel 0

holy shit I hate snakes !!! what type how big??

ItsApril 0

So...get it out. Got a broom? Move shit around with that then knock him out of the cabinets. Then either push him outside with it, or kill it. Not that hard to do. I've had my fair share of snakes to deal with. Better do something if you have kids in the house. Or you could always call someone.

krazy_kat09 8

It could have been roaches..

ReynshineCutting 10

Oh how I bet you don't. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole.

StrongBad04 0

Did you keep it as a pet? Was it a cute snake?

ummm if it is a big one/poisonous I'd be getting a gun out and going snake hunting or finding someone to do it for me =)

bubo_fml 10

Not so bad...I put my pet snake in my wife's clappers & she didn't complain that much...