By Anonymous - 16/02/2016 00:01 - United States

Today, I fractured two ribs from coughing. My doctor told me to stop coughing, or I would fracture them more. I have bronchitis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 240
You deserved it 1 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steffi3 40

Just stop breathing. How hard can it be?

How the hell could someone stop coughing?... Fyl for the bronchitis and for that doctor as well.


Sorry to hear that OP. I went through something similar after having a chest surgery (to fix my Pectus Excavatum) and right after I got home, I got a cold or the flu and couldn't stop violently sneezing. I also found out that puking isn't the best thing for broken ribs that week. Hope you get trough it fine and the Bronchitis calms down soon.

Ask for a prescription of teslon pearls, they work wonders on coughs

Not the same, but I once pulled a muscle sneezing. The rest of that cold wasn't fun.

Tell him to give you some damn medicine that works then. Obviously you're still coughing because whatever you're on now isn't working.

You sure it's not pertussis (whooping cough)?

saffy66 34

You need a cough suppressant and to avoid any sudden air temperature changes.

Kr1ket927 15

I can't say I know the feeling, but I did tear the cartilage between my ribs in 3 different places, 3 different times, over the course of a week when I had bronchitis. The pain was excruciating. I coughed, heard a pop, and hit the floor. Sure hope you have some relief from the pain!