By Bg2466 - 15/08/2016 03:17 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I got a bad review on my work's Facebook page. The girl said I was very rude and I should never work with the public. I was trying to flirt with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 138
You deserved it 15 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talis99 26

Then YDI. Don't flirt with your customers for one.

You should never ever flirt with people on the job, neither customers or other employees. That's not appropriate in a work environment where you are supposed to be professional, and it also makes some customers uncomfortable and puts them in an awkward position.


LittleLittlered7 6

Sorry, but she probably knew you were trying to flirt with her. Instead of saying that (and risking having to go through the mess of a sexual harassment complaint), she just called it bad service

Well.... you're not really supposed to flirt with customers.

If you were flirting with her then you ARE very rude and should never work with the public.

I honestly don't think it's your fault dude.

You did something that completely caused this, but totally not your fault. That makes sense..

This is why you should never try to flirt on the job. Most people consider it to be rude and unprofessional, Some even consider it sexual harassment, since you are taking advantage of the fact that the customer has no choice but to interact with you. You're lucky she didn't mention the unwanted advances - that could get you fired.

Women don't want to be flirted with while they're just trying to go about their day.

Why were you using a company Facebook page/account to flirt with a customer? Actions like that are why you shouldn't be working with the public.

I don't think that is what happened. I think most other people read it as: 1) customer comes in and OP "flirts" with her, 2) customer goes and leaves bad review for OP on company Facebook page.

Did this flirting include any remarks on her appearance or suggestive innuendos? If so you def deserve it.

If that's all she did, you got off easy. The outcome could have been so much worse for you, but I hope you learned your lesson about flirting while on the job regardless.