By Bg2466 - 15/08/2016 03:17 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I got a bad review on my work's Facebook page. The girl said I was very rude and I should never work with the public. I was trying to flirt with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 138
You deserved it 15 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talis99 26

Then YDI. Don't flirt with your customers for one.

You should never ever flirt with people on the job, neither customers or other employees. That's not appropriate in a work environment where you are supposed to be professional, and it also makes some customers uncomfortable and puts them in an awkward position.


I'm confused about these kinds of post. People really want sympathy or just wanna give us people of the fml community a good chuckle.

ohsnapword 21

Never dip your pen in company ink.

Good rule: just don't flirt with your customers!

You're clearly not as smooth as you thought.

I would suggest reevaluating the situation and realize how maybe she didn't appreciate being flirted with.

Ok it really depends on what your job is tbf! If your an undertaker and it was the deceased persons spouse then shame on you!

She's trying to do errands she doesn't want someone flirting and bothering her.

tiredofwaiting 25

No wonder you got a bad review. There is a time and place for flirting. Work is not a place to flirt.

Slim_Skeeter 6

Yeah YDI, that's a big no-no. You should know that by now. Especially if shes not a regular or you don't have some sort of repertoire. That's absolutely rude as hell.