By knobbed - 27/01/2014 23:09 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes
Same thing different taste
By JohnFarrell - 24/04/2009 17:20 - United States
Fight Club
By MyFaceHurts - 03/08/2010 10:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/07/2015 03:41 - Australia - Brisbane
By haappynewyear - 01/01/2011 03:21 - United States
By ThatHurts - 14/11/2011 00:11 - Canada
Demon drink
By Aliiveopen - 24/08/2020 07:02 - United States - Wasilla
By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 05:04 - United States
By ahuman - 29/09/2013 05:10 - United States
By deven - 29/08/2009 22:58 - United States
By SeaBind - 16/11/2014 00:41 - United States - Saginaw
Top comments
That's cold.

OP deserved to get a black eye. If your mother died and someone disrespected her at her own funeral, they deserve to get beat up.
Good for you OP, for defending your best friend. How wildly inappropriate. Give the douche one back.
OP wasn't the one who made the joke unless he was speaking about himself in third person and broke up his own fight.
Hey 22, OP WASNT THE ONE MAKING THE JOKE! He was trying to defend his friend, who was mad at another guy for making a joke.
He didnt defend anything... he just broke up a fight.
I think what 22 is saying, is that op should let the guy who made the joke get beat up. Still, OP never said his friend was winning, and you don't want it to get so bad that the cops arrive. But I don't think that 22 was trying to say op made the joke.
#36 is right, #22 just worded it weirdly.
Yeah the guy deserved to get his ass kicked, but I can understand why he broke up the fight. Them being at a funeral and all.
So is her body.
I hope they kicked the douchebag out . That's just so disrespectful . Know the time and place!
Somebody had to do it.
I guess you could say...he's cold as ice.
Should of told him " that'll be you in the coffin if you don't shut up"
#33 the westboro baptist church.
They're the offspring of people who type "Fake" as their only comment...
lol @ the guy named omgbrainz writing "should of" instead of "should have" .
The other guy deserves the black eye not you OP . FYL indeed .
I would have kicked his head in.
The other guy deserves to be in the coffin instead
No he deserves to be roped to a chair with his eyes pried open with a TV in front of him that displays the entire volume of High School Musical on repeat. One hour of that and you'd be begging for a hara-kiri sword too....
I want to drown you
Hey! High School Musical is a great movie #92.
Slow down there satan & tartarus it was only a douche yo momma joke i think justin bieber for i say 15 mins will do him in
Okay since the grammar police are on parol i ment to say. slow down there Satan and Tartarus, it was only a douchey guy saying a yo momma joke. I think 15 mins of justin bieber (idk add some more singers that well aren't that grande into the mix. Why not!) and that will do him in!
Oh man, that's bad, sorry OP. Good for you that you stepped in though.
I don't know, I think helping beat up the insensitive bastard would've been a better choice than breaking it up. It does suck though, hope the idiot came off worse!
Wellnif the police gets involved OP's friend's family are a nice set of witnesses statimg that the other dude was going berserk and they had to restrain him!
It'd be hard to prove if they couldn't find the body...
#45 I agree that beating the guy up would be something that I would do too, but after the funeral, not during. Beating someone up during a funeral is in poor taste imo.

Yo momma so fat, we had to bury her 12 feet under.
To soon. There are times when jokes aren't not appropriate, in my opinion. This is one of them.
So you're the bastard who said the joke at the funeral
"TO" soon? "Aren't not" appropriate? Wtf dude? lol
Just. Get your things, and leave. Now
And don't come back.
You're a douche for that. There's a special place in hell for people like you.
OT, but I just choked on #72s username :,D
that was honestly cruel of the person
That's ****** up, wear that black eye with pride you got it while doing the right thing.
What an ass. Hopefully he got kicked out. Sorry OP.
I wonder what that person thought he had to gain from making that awful joke. I'm sure that funerals aren't supposed to be a barrel of laughs.
Mine will be... I'm going to plan it like you would a party just to make sure.

Should of told him " that'll be you in the coffin if you don't shut up"
That's cold.