By bass - 22/09/2009 01:50 - United States

Today, I got a call from a prominent orchestra asking me to play with them. They were especially interested because I'm still in high school. I called to accept only to find out that my mother had already declined the offer for me because I "only" have a 3.7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 485
You deserved it 2 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Judging by your name, I assume you play the bass. That makes this suck even more because the standup bass is an amazing instrument that takes a ton if talent and finesse to play well, especially well enough to be invited into a prestigious orchestra. I hope that you insisted on still playing with them! FYL indeed, I'd be both angry and sad in that situation.

memory_loss_fml 0

FYL. Just... FYL. We should probably have a category for "meddling parents" ._. what's up with that, really?


fml's like these piss the hell out of me . its always the **** face dumbass parents' fault ..

Your life sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka sucka sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel bad for you.

blehx 0

agreed. (yes, even in 4.0 scale. i used to be in a high school with a 4.0 GPA scale.)

Forgive your mom and get over it. If you're really this talented, you'll have many more opportunities- so don't give up on practicing. At the same time, if the orchestra thing hadn't panned out and you'd followed it at the expense of your studies, you'd be screwed anyway. So deal with it and stop whining.

boatkicker 4

Even if it hadn't worked out for them, joining the orchestra wouldn't necessarily have been at the expense of their studies. Personally, in high school I worked better the busier I was. I had a problem with procrastination, but if I knew I had other things to do (such as practice for something I enjoyed) I wouldn't procrastinate on the things I didn't like. During cheerleading season, and before every play I was in, my grades went up a full letter in almost every class. But, what's done is done. OP will hopefully get another shot at some point.

Jessaly_fml 0

You should convince your mom to let you trade households for a day with a child who is WAY above average but doesn't do their work/doesn't try so they fail school. Let her see for herself what she truly has.

Time to have serious "talk" with your mom. I give you permission to use fists and pots or pans in that "talk"

RockMaterial 9

OMG!!! Call them back! From one musician to another, if you want to have any sucres in this career you've got to do it yourslef ad in unconventional ways. forget your mother, she's not the one living your life. have a little faith in the music, man.