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By tickle spunk - 29/12/2011 18:39 - United States

Today, I came home and told my mom that I got the lead in the school musical, which I was very happy about. She pulled me into a hug then said, "But you know you can't really sing, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 942
You deserved it 3 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

linnie_wesker 20

She's just being a bitch. I used to do plays and musicals in high school, and trust me they wouldn't have picked you for the lead if you were terrible.

Just wait till everyone in the crowd is crying because you were such an amazing singer. Then on stage look at your mom and give her the finger. >:)


cyK0tek 0

Truth eh?? How would he have gotten the lead if he couldn't sing?

iamesauce 4

#30- maybe it was an Alabama high school?

cyK0tek 0

Lol xD but Op's from Connecticut.

#39 I fail to see the correlation between Alabama and not being able to sing. That isn't even a stereotype for Alabama 0.o

lebronesque73091 12

#44 Some people don't know what they're talking about.

jillianmathers12 13

Why do you have school so close to Christmas??

iamesauce 4

#44- My step brother and step sister went to an Alabama high school. Trust me.

#60 I went to an Alabama high school, Hoover to be exact, I scored a 36 on my ACT, spent 6 years in the military running satellite communications, and am now at Auburn University with a 3.8 GPA in my next to last semester in wireless engineering, so are you trying to imply that high schools in Alabama are somehow more lacking than in your state? You shouldn't stereotype

iamesauce 4

You also named yourself Reaganomics.

19- yes I knew it, so I decided to say it.

BarDownDaily 12

Better to find out now then after the performance.

She's your mom too? Somebody's got some explaining to do.

JhunnySuperman 0

I like skittles and fab color blue and green haha just random fact

linnie_wesker 20

She's just being a bitch. I used to do plays and musicals in high school, and trust me they wouldn't have picked you for the lead if you were terrible.

xStaciexLynnx 15

If it's a small school they would... You should've heard some of the people in my hs plays.

cyK0tek 0

23- pitchy describes someone who doesn't stay on pitch/ the correct note while singing. And pitchy rhymes with bitchy, which means that OP's mom is an asshole. I'm not saying mr.misfit's joke was funny... But I just felt like explaining its pointlessness

Pitchy as in sound? No? Maybe I'm just trying too hard.

SecretMe00 5

I agree. Take singing lessons and prove her wrong!

Anyone can sing :) just a matter if you're willing to..

Just wait till everyone in the crowd is crying because you were such an amazing singer. Then on stage look at your mom and give her the finger. >:)

drawmesunshine 17

Sing anyway, OP! If it's what makes you happy, don't let her bitterness cramp your style.

The expression mother knows best isn't always right. So like they said prove her wrong!

If she's not going to be supportive of something you are passionate about, you should give her a hug and say, "you're not a loving mother anyway."

Better to be hurt by the truth than protected by a lie...

xk75 4

I doubt the school's performing arts department cast the OP as the lead in their production as some elaborate ruse to lie to her about her talent.... Sorry ur moms a b

I thought parents were supposed to be supportive. I guess I should start treating my kids like shit too. Thanks for the lesson, FML!

GoW_Chick 14

Parents who haven't figured out it's many advantages... Too far? Thought so *slowly backs out of room*