By bass - 22/09/2009 01:50 - United States

Today, I got a call from a prominent orchestra asking me to play with them. They were especially interested because I'm still in high school. I called to accept only to find out that my mother had already declined the offer for me because I "only" have a 3.7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 485
You deserved it 2 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Judging by your name, I assume you play the bass. That makes this suck even more because the standup bass is an amazing instrument that takes a ton if talent and finesse to play well, especially well enough to be invited into a prestigious orchestra. I hope that you insisted on still playing with them! FYL indeed, I'd be both angry and sad in that situation.

memory_loss_fml 0

FYL. Just... FYL. We should probably have a category for "meddling parents" ._. what's up with that, really?


whEEzy03 0

Doesn't GPAs go up to 4.0?!? I have 3.0

What is wrong with peoples parents these days? No wonder so many kids are screwed up. She obviously does not care about her child's wishes and desires. This web site has opened my eyes to how many bad parents there are. You should encourage and lift up your children to do and be what they want o be.

this_is_llama 0

No offense, but your mother is ******* stupid.

Let your mom know she I hate her for you.

I'm a percussionist with full intent in majoring in music. I'm sorry. One musician to another, please slap your mother for me. :)

hatemyluck 15

I know that parents want to put their children up for adoption sometimes..but can we put your mom up for adoption?