By bass - 22/09/2009 01:50 - United States

Today, I got a call from a prominent orchestra asking me to play with them. They were especially interested because I'm still in high school. I called to accept only to find out that my mother had already declined the offer for me because I "only" have a 3.7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 485
You deserved it 2 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Judging by your name, I assume you play the bass. That makes this suck even more because the standup bass is an amazing instrument that takes a ton if talent and finesse to play well, especially well enough to be invited into a prestigious orchestra. I hope that you insisted on still playing with them! FYL indeed, I'd be both angry and sad in that situation.

memory_loss_fml 0

FYL. Just... FYL. We should probably have a category for "meddling parents" ._. what's up with that, really?


GreenDaemon21 0

well i can understand how parents have too high expectations for their kids. i have a friend who was real depressed cuz his parents were pressuring him to get into an Ivy League college and he couldnt, and they yelled at him and said he might as well go to a community college cuz they sure werent paying for state schools. but seriously, that kid's only getting B's in "honors classes", theres no way he coulda gotten into one of those schools. Doesn't mean he only deserves community colleges, though.

Serlenia 3

Wow, you're highschool must suck. In order to even keep a B you have to have all homework turned in and get at least B's on all your tests. If you don't attend classes because you'r tardy then you get ISS or OSS or some other punishment like that. And some teachers won't allow you to turn in homework if that happens. So yeah, highschool is not a piece of cake or I'd have a 4.0 no problem right now.

akshar 0

3.7 weighted sucks. Im made with my 4.45 and im a sophomore. But ya ur moms a bitch for declining like that.

3.7 is very good if you are out of 4.0 like my high school is.

ziqi92 0

being azn, i have a 4.06 (counting all my honors and ap classes) but thats still pretty bad compared to the average 4.3 the other azns get. yep, i feel sry for u cuz an outside prestigious orchestra really backs up that 3.7 on college apps so ur mom is stupid for declining.

bookworm_x 0

some parents need to be shot, including your mother.

ElNegroHombre 0

Saying you made it to state in football is a pretty stupid. There are 10 other guys out there you didn't make it by yourself. I don't care though because most of you are lying.

Helicopter parenting. It's a plague. Luckily my parents aren't like that, but they seem to be the exception rather than the rule. Of course, it helps that they realized early on that setting any kind of bar is unnessecary with me. I guess you could say that I'm an unconscious overachiever.

greg2001 4

What a badass mother!! Obviously if a prominent orchestra were to phone up of course you'd be good enough!!!!