By Gumfanatic302 - 07/05/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I got a call from my child's preschool saying that "Mindy keeps saying she sits on her daddy's lap and plays with his peter." My daughter meant 'puter, as in computer. Now the school is worried my husband is a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 145
You deserved it 3 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aerials_fml 0

Ah, that's pretty funny. Pretty awkward too. FYL.


#8 there's a big difference between high school and pre-school

more like, F your husband's life.

Why would they automatically jump to the 'child molester' conclusion?

Fmyspam 0

It might be because her daughter said she plays with her dads dick. Or it could just be because the voices in their heads say so.

#2 Just made this shit so ******' real.

They should have asked her to describe it, then when she described a computer they would know not to jump to conclusions.

Oh man, it seems anything these days will turn a guy into a "child molester". FYL :(

Jimbo2000 0

#17, isn't that the truth. I really hope that everything gets straightened out for you. Right now it is "F both of your life's."

FrayedxD 0

HAHAHA new favourite. i guess mindy and peter won't have any more play dates. -FrayedxD

I actually heard this one roughly a year ago. Still a nice little story.