By jezusflowers - 07/05/2009 02:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By please don't back that thing up - 09/08/2013 05:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/05/2010 19:41 - United States
By Brayden - 10/01/2016 03:27 - Australia - Crib Point
By Anonymous - 19/05/2009 06:19 - United States
Stuck on Amber
By River - 26/02/2009 16:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/05/2021 17:01 - New Zealand
By Justwantedathankyou - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States - Loudon
By Anonymous - 01/01/2019 11:00 - United States - Spokane
Beep beep
By Crash - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Noname - 02/03/2009 18:52 - Canada
Top comments
i always beep when that happens. people are idiots.
Damn that sucks...the first time i ever drove i did that in a residential neighborhood except i was the one in reverse....and the car behind me was a brand new Mercedes SL55. He pulled up very close behind me cus he was very impatient. I floored i didnt hit him i dont know, i guess i must have spidy reflexes, but i came to a stop about 5 inches away from him.
The day my brother got his license we went out for his "first real" drive. He was going up a steep hill and was in a car that would turn off the engine when put in neutral (as a fuel-saving mechanism.) Suddenly the lights turn green, he pushes it into first gear and floors it.. Only first was actually reverse, and he managed to save it about 1 inch from the bus behind us. He was so lucky that he had a "beginner" sticker on the back of his car, or the bus would probably have stopped closer to him and things would have ended up a lot worse..
That would have been the time for some Jason Statham moves.
well its against the law to drive without insurance, so I hope you called the cops when the accident occurred. Your insurance company should pay for the damages (since if you drive without insurance no matter the situation according to the insurance companies its automatically their fault.) It sucks that it happened, I've been in a similar situation with a driver that had no insurance, but it'll work out in the end. Good luck going through all shit to get things handled though (be prepared for lots of calls and repeatedly going over what happened in the crash.)
In soviet russia no one cares about your comment
^^ gay fag who says in soviet russia jokes
The guy that hit you is not very smart. Even if he doesn't believe in insurance companies. It's still nice to have it in case someone tries to sue him. I'm guessing that's going to happen in this case.
If you're in Alabama, you have a problem, but beyond that you're not at fault. Sucks, but it's just a car, and at least your rates won't spike.
Never trust others on the road. Not your fault but you could have saved your ass a lot of trouble
Damn right it is! 'Murica!

Holy shit man, someone needs to go back to driving school.
Damn that sucks...the first time i ever drove i did that in a residential neighborhood except i was the one in reverse....and the car behind me was a brand new Mercedes SL55. He pulled up very close behind me cus he was very impatient. I floored i didnt hit him i dont know, i guess i must have spidy reflexes, but i came to a stop about 5 inches away from him.