By Gumfanatic302 - 07/05/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I got a call from my child's preschool saying that "Mindy keeps saying she sits on her daddy's lap and plays with his peter." My daughter meant 'puter, as in computer. Now the school is worried my husband is a child molester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 142
You deserved it 3 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aerials_fml 0

Ah, that's pretty funny. Pretty awkward too. FYL.


#48 Wow. That sucks so bad... sounds like your school was full of asshole administrators. Not even an apology after all that? Shitastic. First of all, the word 'computer" is a difficult word for small children to pronounce correctly, no matter how well they imitate. My whole family speaks proper Cantonese and English to my niece (no "does you nee' to go pee-pee widdle baby?" crap), but she doesn't copy everything to the tee. Children learn just as much through observation and listening, and not solely from direct interaction. When we're not speaking to her, our words are faster and they get mixed up - thus resulting in her jumbled up words and pronunciations. So #52 - if you want your kid to be able to enunciate like an adult by the time she's 4, you best talk to EVERYBODY all slow and clear whenever your kid is in the area, and make sure everyone else does the same. Before that happens, you should take your comment back and tone it down a little first. To the OP - Bummer that your daughter's school jumped to conclusions like that... but at least you know they're paying attention. You'd think a bunch of adults who run a kindergarten would know that kids say the darnest things sometimes, and not everything should be taken seriously = Sucky situation, really.

Something similar to that happened to me as a kid, my preschool called protective child services my dad never really touched me and i knew that but i had supressed memories of it and while i was growing up i was afraid of my dad raping me until my mom told me about the incident it all made sense after that. I was brainwashed by child services. Me and my dad are best friends now.

Perfection_7 0

Hey # 11, before you critize someone's stupidity, make sure yours mistake isn't 10 times worse... If you knew how to count you would have realized you were talking about # 9.... How hard is it really, the freaken number is on the comment... YDI for that one.

totally agree with #52.....when i was little, my parents spoke to me like a real person (what a concept) and i grew up speaking clearly and with good pronunciation. people who speak in baby talk to their children should be shot.