By pogodrake - 24/01/2010 05:01 - United States

Today, I got a call from the girl I'd really like to date to meet up for drinks. Excited, I walked out my front door, slipped on a patch of ice, and dislocated my shoulder. She won't go out on a date with me now because I "ditched her". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 726
You deserved it 2 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should explain to her what happened.

Couldn't you give her a call on your way to the doctor's? Even at this point, can't you just explain what happened? If she won't believe you when your arm's in a brace, she's probably not the kind of person you want to date.


perdix 29

You did ditch her. You should have dragged your pansy-ass to the bar and asked her to come to the hospital with you. Try to handle the pain of the doctor's examination of your shoulder with some manly fortitude, and try not to piss your pants at the sight of a needle. That's how a guy who wanted to get laid would have handled it.

I slipped on a rock at the bottom of a waterfall, I was 1.5kms away from the road, I popped it back in my rotating my arm and stretching it forward. It hurt yeah, but I still walked back to the road. You prob should have just done that and went to meet her.

You could've at least called her on the way to/at the hospital.

sourgirl101 28

Your 1st date should have been at the hospital.

Erindub 0

Well you're better off not dating her any way. If shes this annoying now imagine what she'd be like a year from now. Sounds like one of those girls who'd look through your cell phone while you were taking a poop. You don't need this shit.

i guess dislocated shoulder doesnt work as an excuse anymore, thanks for letting me know

Squeezeit 0

Maybe you could have called her while in the hospital so she did't think you were making up an excuse.

FYL. Sounds like she isn't one worth keeping anyway if she doesn't even let you explain what happened.