By Anonomous - 26/01/2015 15:48 - Canada - Whitby

Today, I got a cute girl's number for the first time. Too bad it was because she rear ended my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 196
You deserved it 2 658

Same thing different taste

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That's sounds like a opportunity, m friend, go for it! But make sure that she pays for the damage first, though

AirBusDriver 23

Jump ahead 16 years- "...and that my son, is how I met your Mother!" :-)

I once rear-ended a girl in a car because I was young and stupid and careless. When I got to the window to see if she was ok and trade insurance info, I told her that she'd be amazed at what a dude'll do to get a cute girl's number. I was hoping she'd giggle and break the tension that way. Instead I got a face full of hairspray and she drove off in a hurry.

I'm with her on this one. If a complete stranger rear-ended my car and made that dumb joke while peering through my window at me, it would only take a moment of hesitation before I pulled out the pepper spray in my bag.

The sad part is she wasn't even cute. But I saved 15% on car insurance by spending 15 minutes doing eye lavage.

Hmm, unless the guy seemed creepy I think I'd just take that as a joke. So #20, how creepy are you?

I'd **** and kill my own doppleganger with the mad skills of a murderhobo. That's how creepy I am.

I'm sure there's a pick up line there somewhere...

Tessa_11 19

Well maybe something will come out of it!(:

She rear ends you, you rear end her and in the end it all works out ;)

hmm was this maybe in Wisconsin coming home from school