By Anonymous - 01/02/2011 13:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
Rude awakening
By Anonymous - 08/04/2020 23:00
Single shot
By irulan - 14/01/2020 03:00 - United Kingdom - London
By Anonymous - 18/12/2021 07:01 - United States - Watford City
By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 15:50 - United States
By sleepylillion - 25/04/2016 05:07 - United States - Eleele
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 09:53 - France
By Mel - 07/05/2011 22:27 - United States
By embarrassed2 - 24/01/2011 02:47 - United States
By Secretlypossessed - 29/10/2018 03:00
By fartz - 31/08/2013 06:04 - United States
Top comments
Lol, get used to it. It won't be as funny a couple years into marriage.
I know, right! They aren't even married yet and already he's putting them in "shitty" situations.
50, it could've been a joke.
I had to refrain from screaming first. I really enjoy those long messages Sirin posts.
I think you meant change the ***** number 6
I'm about to eat breakfast.
Fiancé hm? That means you still have the opportunity to break things off!
It's an accident, I assume that he doesn't do that twice a week... would you really break off your engagement for such a thing ?
Okay, I could understand trying to "laugh it off" and maybe force out a chuckle as you are getting a fresh pair of underwear/pants after an initial "Goddammit" But seriously, a giggle and a "maybe" along with OP not saying anything about him making an attempt to change his soiled clothes, that is just disgusting and immature.
62 wht you didnt think bout is that OPs fiance farted extremely loud, and sometimes when a guy farts that loud you say i think i shit my pants when its not true, its just a way of saying; i do it from time to time when im in my room and my mom asks wtf happened, i answer either i think i shit myself or i think i ripped my pants. its just to make it funny. so OP dont break off the engagement cuz of something like tht.
Come on guys! Be honest... what's a little shit between lovers?
When someone has a crazy awesome fart it is commonly referred to as ******** yourself even though you dont actually defecate feces into your britches. He obviously was just proud of his fart. I would be to.
That's right it is going to come up some time. Sickness and Health right? And I say forgive him now because when you get pregnant if it doesn't happen in the third trimester or even during birth it will happen while your recovering from it. Besides who is to say the guy is not just F*cking around by giggling. She never said weather he actually did it or not. I personally know men are crude and think these things are funny. ( and don't worry guys I don't mean all of you! just 90%)
a) There's a limit to how much you can type in an FML submission. OP can't, and shouldn't, give every single detail. b) The wording of the submission is often changed when it gets posted. If there are unnecessary details, these are taken out. If there's bad grammar, it's fixed. So maybe he went to change his clothes, maybe he didn't. Either way, #62/15/etc, you're making an awfully big fuss. If she loves him, one time accidentally ******** himself and laughing it off isn't going to call off the relationship. And if you think that's grounds for ending it, then I'm going to assume that you've either never been in a serious relationship or should not be in one.
Maybe "maybe" should be your answer when thinking about going through with the wedding. Do you really want to start using a Diaper Genie way before you have kids?
A magical genie that flies through the night sky delivering diapers to both infants and the elderly. Or you could do a 2 second google search. Or I could be less of an asshole and tell you. But...I won't.
Doc, your comments are always rude or inappropriate. Yet I find myself looking for more.. I can't get enough..!
Get off of doc's wood.
Nowhere does the post state he actually did. Admit it guys, sometimes it does smell like it happened.
Case close, Doc is indeed.... a Bastard
Yes, let's break the man's heart because of a medical issue.
Having read your responses to this FML, I can't seem to find your sense of humor, Acousticpixie.
#81 It's an x-ray of a coke bottle in someone's pelvic region.

Lol, get used to it. It won't be as funny a couple years into marriage.
The giggles is what makes this funny. Who giggles after supposedly ******** their pants, lolZ.