By sprainedankle - 17/05/2013 20:49 - Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

Today, I got a mosquito bite inside my cast. I slipped a ruler into it and started scratching to relieve the itch. Part of the ruler ended up snapping off inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 641
You deserved it 15 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've bought one of the unbreakable ones then eh? Ir's a general rule-r of thumb not to stick anything long and losable into any deep crevice or hole.

Shortay123 14

My friend got an eraser stuck inside his cast and he had to get the cast taken off and get a new one on because it was causing him so much discomfort. When they took it off he had a HUGE bruise where the eraser was. So I would suggest you go get that out immediately because it might affect your healing process. And how did you get a mosquito bite there anyway? Did it happen before?


That is horrible! I'm sure the ruler can be removed, but a bite inside the cast? That's worse that itchy balls!!

I know that feel, OP. That exact same thing happened to me a year ago.

How did you get a mosquito bite "inside" your cast??

Megan98 18

That's why you should've used a clothes hanger.

I hurled while visualizing your comment...... Thank you

hnsblue 14

I know that feel bro. I've had a major foot reconstructive surgery during the summer. I know that feeling of not being able to itch

A drill bit won't snap off so easily.