By KornyKid - 21/02/2016 08:01 - United States - Citrus Heights

Today, I got a new cat for my birthday. It ate my bird right when we got home, then it ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 761
You deserved it 4 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why wasn't your bird in a cage of some sort? Haven't you heard of gentle acclimating a pet to a new environment? Seems like you fault


Instead of you owning the cat, the cat has owned you.

KayleeFrye 39

That's sad, but why would you bring a cat into your home having no clue how the cat and the bird would act? Why would you bring a cat into your home when your bird wasn't safely locked in a cage? And if the bird WAS safely locked in a cage, why would you bring a cat into your home that was a lock picking ninja genius?

Damn sorry about that OP. But as time flys by, you'll heal emotionally and mentally

Sounds like a YDI, it ate a bird, did you let it outside on the first day?

To be honest, YDI. You need to take the necessary precautions for your bird and to make sure the cat doesn't get away.

Like in cartoons.. Cats eat birds.. You should have known. I'm sorry for your loss OP

Well, you don't pick the cat, the cat picks you...sorry, but obviously you weren't the right human for that cat...

AScooterman 12

I guess the bird didn't have nine lives. And the cat had to eat and run.

_ravens_ 11

You obviously didn't know how to care for a cat and didn't deserve it