By jonboy - 09/05/2009 20:11 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a new comfy duvet and pillow and was looking forward to a good night's sleep. I got into bed and was followed by my dog, who then threw up the tub of butter he had just stolen from the kitchen onto my brand new bed spread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 789
You deserved it 5 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

morgan_5230 0

that is absolutely disgusting! at least you found the butter.

Oh gross >_< Your dog didn't mean it ._.


nicoler 0

dogs dont belong in the bed in the first place thats gross

Sorry, but YDI for leaving the butter out in a place where the dog could get to it. If you're going to have a pet, you need to learn better responsibility about what you leave out that your pets can get into.

FYL for being a male and using the phrase "comfy duvet".

Spreed 0

YDI because people live inside, not animals. BTW LMAO at 24!

AnaMaree 0

This is why I only have pet pencil cases.

ugh i feel like my cat always knows when i get something new and then destroys it just for kicks

damnit #11, i got all excited to make that pun! beat me to it...

dreamzgurl 0

#25....animals live inside because if you are smart enough to train your pets then they should be kept inside like they're supposed to. Not outside where they get fleas. You're better off not having any animals if you're not going to love it and treat it like family. And thats so gross. Where the heck was the butter then?! How could your doggy have gotten to it?!

Siren_00 0

And that is why my dogs aren't allowed on my bed.