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By wow - 15/04/2013 18:36 - Russian Federation - Saint Petersburg

Today, my husband of 6 years said in a grave voice that he had some important news for me. Jokingly, I said, "Why, did you get that cute colleague of yours pregnant?" He did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 975
You deserved it 6 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there any one left out there who isn't a scum bag? What ever happened to having values?


Is there any one left out there who isn't a scum bag? What ever happened to having values?

I am glad to report that, I am indeed not a scumbag. Good day. :)

sourskittle95 5

13 that seems pretty interesting ! Wow

#18 I'm both... So I'm special :D ... And very lonely :(

Inciter 33

I honestly wonder if there's a such thing as a good man. My fiance's cheated on me, my best friend's man cheated on her, and every guy we know is a cheating scum. On the plus side, he did come clean with you. There are men who will lie about cheating even after they're caught.

I've never cheated in anyway over 3 years with my partner and lived together for 2.

Morals and standards. They rarely exist anymore.

perdix 29

#1, people found that having values got in the way of their fun, so they ditched them. I hope that answers your second question.

Lizardgirl 7

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TheElBurrrito 21

The problem is, all us "good" guys have been friend zoned. All the girls saying we are all scum bags, are the main ones to friend zone the good guys. You girls go after the bad boys and when they end up treating you poorly, you come running to the good guy to cry on. Needless to say, being the good guy means being there for them no matter how overlooked we can be.

68 - cry me a river loser. I'm sorry to mean, but girls get friendzoned too. Usually when someone gets friendzoned it's because they are incompatible. You can't force someone to be attracted too you. Usually girls and guys go after attractive people. Said people are usually jerks b/c they know they look good. To be completely honest, I have friendzoned many people and I have been friendzoned by others in return. It's like the circle of life. Get over it and stop comforting yourself by making yourself out to be a victim.

ApollosMyth 22

35-You know it's bad when not cheating is something to be proud of now...

I got lucky and was blessed with the most amazing boyfriend in the world, I wish everyone else could be just as happy...

@58, I didn't know Taylor Swift frequented the FML comment section. Cool! ****-shaming is immature, as is the mindset that you're better than other girls just because you prefer to wear t-shirts rather than what you deem to be "slutty" clothing. Not sure why girls get stuck in that "I'm not like other girls" thing. It's that holier-than-thou attitude that's gonna make people not like you, not the fact that you prefer sneakers to high heels.

Married 23 years to the love of my life! No cheaters here. ;)

I would say there are less scumbags than good people, you just hear about all the scumbags. I mean come on your on fml, people aren't gonna talk about good people.

18. Im not a scum bag and im still a virgin. There are some of us still left out there. :(

78- I had to make an account to reply to this. Please look at your first sentence and then your profile picture.

vencku 13

I was wondering the same thing. All the cheating FML's are enough to start worrying anyone who's in a relationship. I don't quite see what virginity has to do with it, though. Having sex is not something to be proud of in itself, but is not getting laid such an amazing feat?

May be cliche but guys think with their penis as well as girls think with their vaginas. We just have to control it and know what it is right and wrong. Sucks not many care what is wrong and do it anyways.

#58 - You're pathetically insecure. Work on improving your self esteem rather than looking for validation from strangers on the internet. Also, you're extremely naive if you expected someone to reply to your comment with "wow Lizardgirl, you shining beam of morality, class and excellence. Clearly all other women should strive to be just like you." Whether or not you realize it, you obviously feel very threatened by women who wear revealing clothing or who lead a lifestyle that is different from yours otherwise you wouldn't try to put them down in a lame attempt to make you feel better about yourself. Also, grow up.

This is FML. This is hardly the place to come for heartwarming stories of saintly people. FML is the definition of schadenfreude.

If you're looking for a site where people share heartwarming stories about people doing nice things for each other, you're probably on the wrong site.

Maybe it's because Women mainly choose scumbags as their partners, leaving the men with good morals and values single... just a thought... :P

The story of "Today, my husband came home and told me how much he loved me and then we had a wonderful night together" isn't really something you'd expect to find on FML ;).

Emily062611 6

I think it's a little far to call someone "pathetically insecure". Maybe instead of basically "shaming" her for "shaming" *****, you can just ignore her comment, or take it at face value. She was saying she's not into all the partying, etc because that's what the comments are about. Deal with it.

If you're looking for people who aren't scum bags, FML is not the site for you sweetie. On a more serious note, I know a couple that's married, both have cheated on the other, and are still together for who the **** knows what reason. People suck, through and through, but there are some good people out there.

#96 Sometimes it is. But with a story like this I don't enjoy their pain. It's more like a feeling of realising we all go through bad things in life and how very human that is.

My parents just had their 35th. Dated 2.5 weeks before he proposed and they got married 3 months later. Takes a strong couple to stay together ! Congrats!

#58- Wow lizardgril, you shining beam of morality, class and excellence. Clearly all other women should strive to be just like you.

Beware lizardgirl the ***** are attacking u!

I never said I'm expecting to see heartfelt stories on FML. It was an indictment on society not on FML. I have strong values myself, and it seems we are a dying breed.

LOL, because husbands only recently have begun to cheat.

408trancejunkie 3

So true wtf is wrong with people now days!?!

footcheezeez 16

116, are they both aware of the other cheating?

I can't tell if I'm a scumbag or not. I mean, I can be a jerk. We all can be. I'm just not sure. :/

Exactly! Sure she did **** shame but instead of calling her immature and calling her out, just ignore the comment.

I agree, what kind of scumbag wouldn't use a condom when cheating?

58- you sound like one of those girls who claim to be a 'gamer girl' and won't shut up about how they played their brothers CoD game for an hour.

After the 60's all values were burned at the stake

you're only 18; you have yet to live my child.

Many times when someone cheats there are signs. It's not uncommon to not face them. The quip the OP made about the 'cute colleague' means that on some level OP had considered that possibility.

Now that's brutal. Sorry Op, no one deserves to hear that their trusted partner. ;p

Llamacod 11

That their trusted partner what?

9lashes 15

-55 how about reading the comment above yours -_-

Haha props to you for correcting mistakes. :)

I am sorry that it was a coincidence

challan 19

Grave was the right voice to use. I hope you put him in his grave.

Llamacod 11

I don't know that murder is the correct response here.

BamBAmGG 14

Except that murder really is the perfect solution.

Well...on the bright side you're now free to go find that cute colleague you work with. With any luck there will be some drinks, some inter office sex, a shotgun wedding, and a life of bliss!

*AFTER they divorce!! No one likes a cheater!!

That is a terrible situation to be in. You have a long road ahead of you concerning difficult decisions. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose.

Oh man that sucks, sorry OP. AT LEAST he went to tell you instead of finding out the hard way.

dhaworth93 8

I disagree there are times when a person is trapted by fear or abuse from leaving so they find love and comfort where they can