By erika - 28/07/2009 05:19 - United States

Today, I got a sunburn all over my stomach from a tanning bed. In an attempt to relieve the itching, I looked up natural treatments since we have no aloe. After trying yogurt, milk and mayo I found out that our water was shut off so the shower could be fixed. I now reek of mayo and milk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 850
You deserved it 46 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Tanning is stupid. Seriously. Do you want skin cancer?

vvvalori 0

YDI for artificial tanning. It's worse for you than natural sunlight. And how can lying in a bed for two minutes beat walking outside? Ever? Also, even if Mayo were a remedy...why would you put it on your body????? EW.


is says they didnt have aloe not that it isnt natural dumbass. tanning is stupid. and btw you're supposed to use HONEY. look it up it actually works. and you could go to a rec center or something to take a shower

#116 you fail . # 114 was obviously saying that if the op managed to get to the tanning salon then there must have been a way to have gone to the shop to buy some aloe you fool!....

secretvampire13 0

ydi for tanning. hav fun with skin cancer in 20 years

vinegar works great, it takes the burn and itch away.

michelleissexy 0

Just a question, an ITCHING sunburn? Never heard of that.

Some people may like tanning. And maybe she doesn't have a car or something or there was no grocery store nearby. Hop off

sheerem 7

YDI 1. for using tanning beds 2. You would think you could feel your skin burning... 3. Don't complain when you get skin cancer, if you're stupid enough to tan in a bed, YDI

Ever occur to you to go out and buy some aloe? And I know probably the tanning salon would sell some...

Go out and buy some aloe...was it really that tough to do? Really anything but vegetable or canola oil will soothe sun burns

aloe is all natural, smart one. i keep an aloe vera plant in my front window