By erika - 28/07/2009 05:19 - United States

Today, I got a sunburn all over my stomach from a tanning bed. In an attempt to relieve the itching, I looked up natural treatments since we have no aloe. After trying yogurt, milk and mayo I found out that our water was shut off so the shower could be fixed. I now reek of mayo and milk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 850
You deserved it 46 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Tanning is stupid. Seriously. Do you want skin cancer?

vvvalori 0

YDI for artificial tanning. It's worse for you than natural sunlight. And how can lying in a bed for two minutes beat walking outside? Ever? Also, even if Mayo were a remedy...why would you put it on your body????? EW.


mcsnelly 5

Didn't you realize that the water would be shut off? Usually you are told when they are going to do that is why I voted YDI for rubbing yourself in bad-smelling stuff if you forgot your water would be shut off. Also, couldn't you have just bought some more aloe? It probably wouldn't make a whole lot of difference if you just waited a little while before putting the aloe on. But I'm not saying YDI because you use tanning beds. Just because you use them, it doesn't mean you go all the time, like everyday and are orange or anything. I tan a couple times a week for like a month once or twice a really doesn't do THAT much damage when it's just now and then.

sheerem 7

Actually, it can still cause a lot of damage.

buy some aloe it's an extract from a plant and about as natural as it gets...what an idiot. I actually grow aloe at my house.

Congratulations! You have won the following : Skin cancer. YDI.

lifeislife_fml 0

Ew, tanning bed. But anyway, aloe really is awesome for sunburns and you should buy some. Plus, it's cheap.

Seriously it is summer.. I live in alaska and have a tan.. Plus, was it your first time? What did you think was going to happen? Next time instead of using the infinate wisdome of the internet, maybe just try to use some lotion, and a brain cell....

aloe vera, tea, just about anything that's been suggested works

How much science does the average Westerner know? None, or a negligible amount? Why didn't you just ask Kelly Ripa for her advice, OP?

helios_rex 0

YDI for tanning, and YDI even more for using a tanning bed.

You and the guy who snorted spice/pepper to get rid of a cold would make a great couple. Just don't ever breed.

xmagicgirlxx 0

thats what you get for going to a tanning bed. can you say unsafe and skin cancer?