By erika - 28/07/2009 05:19 - United States

Today, I got a sunburn all over my stomach from a tanning bed. In an attempt to relieve the itching, I looked up natural treatments since we have no aloe. After trying yogurt, milk and mayo I found out that our water was shut off so the shower could be fixed. I now reek of mayo and milk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 850
You deserved it 46 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Tanning is stupid. Seriously. Do you want skin cancer?

vvvalori 0

YDI for artificial tanning. It's worse for you than natural sunlight. And how can lying in a bed for two minutes beat walking outside? Ever? Also, even if Mayo were a remedy...why would you put it on your body????? EW.


you know, if you were really desperate enough, you could have use bottled water, if you had some that is :)

lowykens 0

but did the milk and mayo work ? :D lol

mish01 0

1. Tanning Beds = Skin Cancer (as mentioned in these comments about a billion times) 2. Milk doesn't smell unless it goes off and i doubt it would do that in a small amount of time 3. Who the Hell uses mayo? 4. Not too much effort to get more aloe. 5. YDI

YDI for tanning in a tanning bed. That's gross.

I just clicked YDI after you said you got burned in a tanning bed. Once again, I was right! I've never seen a tanning bed post end it anything but YDI. My conclusion? Anyone that uses tanning beds is a moron.

Bullshet 0

YDI for being stupid overall. 1. For going to a tanning bed in the first place. Yay skin cancer! 2. For putting yogurt, mayo, etc... on a burn. Anyone with the slightest knowledge in first aid will tell you that putting any cream or oil on a burn will make it worse. 3. Well you obviously got to the tanning salon somehow. Why couldn't you just go get a ******* bottle of aloe then?

people under the age of 35 who go to tanning beds are 75% more likey to get skin cancer. you should probably be more worried about that than smelling like mayo.