By tarini - 27/05/2009 20:12 - Bangladesh

Today, I got an acceptance later to a great boarding school in India for my senior year of high school. I sent them a letter telling them I wouldn't go, because I just got back with my ex-boyfriend. I just got a text from my boyfriend. Guess who's my ex again? FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 743
You deserved it 122 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maxv_15 0

DUUUUURRRRRRRRRR. you so deserved that one. making life changing decisions based on your EX boyfriend... HAHAHA. YOU LOSE

Jordie210 0

wow. don't let a boy stop you from doing something you want to do.


thegoodlifeNOT 0

IDIOT. Dont put your life on hold for a guy.

mehwhateverr 0

Again, don't make life decisions because of a guy. Dayum.

DeadMansCrack 4

Number sixty, have you ever attended a boarding school, shut the **** up, and India has a booming economy right up there with China's and it's an entirely different culture and that's the point of going to boarding school in a place such as India, to experience culture

You're lame for ditching that great boarding school for some guy, especially a guy who was your ex-boyfriend.

YDI, totally. Who the hell would pass up an opportunity like that for an EX-boyfriend?! So stupid. You should never put your life on hold for a guy, dumbshit.

You SOO deserved that. I go to boarding school and I'm going home next year, but i wouldn't base that decision off someone that I didn't even know I would be around with in a year!! Education is usually more important and in this case it IS.

You're in high school and you think your relationship is more important than your education? That actually makes a lot of sense. A high school kid would think something like that. Make this a learning experience, you're not getting married for a while if you're smart. Write that school back. Go get some more education so you don't do anything dumb like that again.