By Anonymous - 13/12/2009 23:47 - United States

Today, I was accepted to college and received a scholarship equal to almost half the tuition. After sharing this news with my parents, I spent the next 35 minutes getting yelled at about how I wasn't allowed to go there because my boyfriend might go there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 795
You deserved it 2 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

screw them ur 18 now, or over, and you can do what you want. legally. fyl, but ur rly not in a bad situation

Wow, that's lame... Unless it was an easy college to get into. Then they might think he is the only reason you're going.


Hey there's a funny site similar to FML but where visitors can tell their darkest secrets:

nateb1tch 1

woo hoo anotjer orygunner! and prolly no u of o or osu cause that would be a huge scholarship

107 you're gonna give a grammar Nazi a seizure

HahaNOTFunnyx_x 0

Take Your Time When You Type

I think this is my sister cuz I remember this happening

110 - You must've taken so much time you forgot only the first word and proper nouns in a sentence get capitalized!

sonasonic 34

Sneak out during the night. Hope you get a good education!

Yarrachel 16

YDI for getting caught smoking pot under the bleachers.

Okie7123 0

Given your location I'm assuming your parents are U of O fans and you got into Oregon State or vice-a-versa ;)

screw them ur 18 now, or over, and you can do what you want. legally. fyl, but ur rly not in a bad situation

lyndis_fml 0

Sure, if she has the money to pay for the remaining tuition. Most 18 year olds aren't making enough money to pay for even half the tuition of any college worth going to.

Well, she has a scholarship for half of the tuition, use financial aid for the other half. The financial aid I receive for college covers my tuition completely. I just have to worry about rent and utilities - which is why I have a job.

And in addition to financial aid there are grants out there for thousands of dollars.

Agreed. OP, you are an adult now and you have to start acting like it. It is hard to get out from under your parents' wing, but you can do it. And if they love you they will eventually understand that you did what was best for you. Trust.

I don't know how it's in Oregon, but in some countries the parents are legally obliged to finance their children until they are able to care for themselves. This can also include support during the first study.

Tell your parents they are 12 years old and tell them about the birds and the bees

Wow, that's lame... Unless it was an easy college to get into. Then they might think he is the only reason you're going.

good point #5. It's easy to blame the parents in this one but did anyone stop to think that maybe they're right? Maybe she only chose that college because he goes there, and she is more qualified for something better (hence the large scholarship). Either way it wouldn't matter what her parents think, OP can just get a student loan for the rest and do what she wants anyway.

And you think they give scholarships to just about every one! Think it's easy to get one? Despite a boyfriend she still gets v good grades as evedinced by the scholarship.

Biggest fail I ever seen. And I see a lot of fails.

I've seen bigger ones.. But this one is hard to beat.

bsias4ever 0

epic fail.......................

People who say fail on the internet are fails. **** you all you're all a bunch of communist rapists.

I know. This is a big what. the. ****. Here's an idea, OP: drop out of school, become a hooker and eventually die from an overdose (and leave your parents a note saying: this is your fault, YDI). You might not want to, but it's for the best.

In Soviet Russian, the internet fails you! (Had to be done).

Saazz 0

That's exactly how my parents would react.. >:[

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

That sucks, hopefully you can afford the other half of the tuition yourself or get financial aid to cover it.

fafa123_fml 0

tell ur parents they can go **** themselves its ur choice as long as u can afford the other half :) g'luck in college