By Anonymous - 27/09/2010 15:07 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I got a graphing calculator and my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 587
You deserved it 4 799

Same thing different taste

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Actually, as the OP said she "got her period" i.e.; started it, the odds would be much lower. If she was regular as clockwork at 28 days per cycle, that would be 13 times a year, which means there would be a 3.6% chance the first day of a period would coincide with her birthday, meaning it happened roughly once every 28 years. Bloody statistics...

If you're into maths/science, a calculator is an extremely useful present. As for the period part, well, you either will get used to it, or you should be by now. Though if you're unlucky enough to get seriously ill each month, then I can understand why you're complaining about that.


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IphonFML 6

no way its 20%.... :O im shockedd hahahahaahahahha but still!! :O

iSitt 0

cause it lasts a few days? graphing calcs are awesome! but obsolete now with smartphones

#12 maybe, but you can't use phones in school. at least not most schools.

Actually, as the OP said she "got her period" i.e.; started it, the odds would be much lower. If she was regular as clockwork at 28 days per cycle, that would be 13 times a year, which means there would be a 3.6% chance the first day of a period would coincide with her birthday, meaning it happened roughly once every 28 years. Bloody statistics...

redrovaa 0

#42, 'gift of life' means she's pregnant. if she got her period, means she isn't.

KiddNYC1O 20

wow want a nerd it's a 5 percent differcnce

tweetbaby14 18

hey be lucky you have a period; some women never get one. same with the graphing calc. I don't even have one... stop being a whiny bitch!

44 - bloody statisticts...nice pun. 56 - It means she was born. Pregnant women/mothers are giving the gift of life, which she received.

be grateful good graphing calcs are not cheap

dudeitsdanny 9

44- you're awesome. And I got a Casio for $35. Wayyyy cheaper and better than the TI-84 my pre-calc teacher lent us the year before I got mine.

pwincessa23 1

happy bday!!! at least ur not prego. maybe

tweetbaby14 18

131 I'm going to guess you are just a dim 13-14 year old for a second. do you know how many women would love to have children but never got their period? how they can never go through pregnancy or child birth? stop taking shit like that for granted you dumb possible child!

scabrakazaam 0

I live in KY and thats pretty much what its like lol

43.7% of statistics are made up on the spot

135, I'm fourteen and I'd be perfectly happy never to get my period again. I have THE WORST cramps imaginable, but I do want kids someday in the very far future (10+ years at least), so I put up with it. Sucks though.

emilieee_fml 0

Periods are awful!!!!! I have painful cramps that make me vomit and faint. And i get my period the day of or a couple days before every next period is on thanksgiving...oh. joy.

actually it is interesting I'll bet you do great in school

If you're into maths/science, a calculator is an extremely useful present. As for the period part, well, you either will get used to it, or you should be by now. Though if you're unlucky enough to get seriously ill each month, then I can understand why you're complaining about that.

Seriously if someone gave me a new graphing calculator I might cry tears of joy. Haha.

Lol I would cry tears of joy too. Seriously Cinn... No.

I would honestly shout like a 5 year old who juat got his favorite action figure, especially if i got a TI-89. That calculator, imo, is beautiful :')

Loewsey, what did I say that merited that 'no'? I never complained about graphing calculators.

the ti n-spire CAS with touchpad is so epic...

thebestofboth 20

Balldeep I guess your either really lazy in school or you skipped college

At least you can put games on a graphing calculator... blackjack and tetris make math class a lot more bearable.

smiles4life 1

haha so true. lmao I guess they don't make you buy 200 dollar calculators without putting some sort of fun into them. :p

So now you can calculate your amplitude! *badumtish*

yourlifesfucked 0

Graphing calculators aren't exactly cheap. Periods are a part of life. In other words, deal with it..?

FireBug24_7 0

Oh quit whining..... it would have happened one day or another. Besides, you need a calculator for math!

RedPillSucks 31

Happy birthday. You can graph your period and calculate when your heavy and light flow days are. Weeeee! Sorry, I know it can suck for some. My sister used to get migraines with her period.

Yeah, one of my friends get horrible cramps during her period - so bad that she actually vomits often from the pain. >.< It sucks being female.