By Ariel - 02/06/2009 12:19 - Israel

Today, I got an "Enlarge your penis" email for the millionth time. I was about to dismiss it when I saw the FW: from my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 401
You deserved it 7 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damnnn thats rough. forward her a breast enlargement offer

Haha ouch. Kind of a bitch way to give you the hint.


Actually, forward her Kegel exercise instructions...

#16. I've never had sex, and the mere thought of having it disgusts me to no end. D: Oh, yeah. "EVERYONE LIKES SEX."

How is it 'take a hint'? Some people on this site are real dumb.

#8: that's perfect! but seriously, from a girl's perspective, I wouldn't want to sleep with a guy with a synthetically enlarged penis. lame. She was probably joking...hopefully

fml1358 0

i'm a girl and i know that most girls wouldn't want to sleep with a guy who got his penis enlarged so i have a feeling that she was sending it to you as a joke

jukeboxhero420 0

**** your life and **** your wife.

Just have sex with the computer than.

krisFrAnHeehar 0

#16 obviously you have NEVER taken a health class or have remotley ANY idea how the human body works. The size has nothing to do with it, although people have preferences it's about hitting a certain spot which any size can reach. So either your just trying to be a dick about it or you have an IQ of about 12. And OP FYL INDEED! oh and #72 lol, but he has to wait till she's about to walk in the door and scream "YOUR SO MUCH BETTER AT THIS THEN (inserts wife's name here)!!!!"