By Flora - 17/04/2013 22:56 - United States - Watsonville

Today, I got ancestry DNA tests for my parents and myself. The DNA testing company informed me that I'm a 50% match for my mother but I share no DNA with my father. Apparently, both my parents forgot that they used a sperm donor. This insignificant detail has slipped their minds for 35 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 656
You deserved it 3 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though it would have been best for them to tell you, maybe it just didn't matter to them because they know that the real parents are who raise you, not who you are biologically from.

That sucks FYL! but as long as your "father" treated you with love and raised you as his own,then remember the good memories and know he loves you just as he would if you were his real son


RedPillSucks 31

35 years ago, some methods were more taboo, so parents might not have told anyone because they didn't want their kids to feel judged. The parents of the first test-tube baby (in-vito fertilization) got horrid letters from some ignorant people.

I'm sure that it did slip their minds, as you're their son either way. Unless, and I'm not saying this is what happened, the "sperm donor" was a stray affair that your father never knew about and they're just trying to protect you from that.

I don't understand how you only have a 50% match with you mother. Any chimpanzee has a DNA match of over 90% with any human. Are you a mushroom?

alluringtatas 7

Boo-frickin hoo! Your parents wanted you and had trouble conceiving so they got help. So what? It doesn't make him any less your father. Let us know when you have a real problem like finding out your mailman is your dad.

skyeyez9 24

A neighbor of mine has two moms and they used a sperm donor as well. She tracked down the donor somehow and he turned out to be an arrogant, narcissistic douche. Some things are better left alone, OP.

skyeyez9 24

Also people who use sperm donors desperately want kids. I am sure you were well loved and cared for by your parents. Count your blessings.

Maybe they did this test because they didn't know how to explain you this ...

nice of your dad to back your moms play. sperm donor = your mom didn't know who the daddy was. guess it was the other guy.

it slipped their mind because the father didn't know... am I the onely one seeing this?