By Anonymous - 14/10/2014 18:57 - United States - Sebastian

Today, I got called to the guidance office, only to be told my boyfriend broke up with me. He wasn't sure how to break the news to me, so he made my guidance counselor do it for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 593
You deserved it 3 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm really surprised/appalled your guidance counsellor agreed to that

Probably better off without him if he can't say it to your face Sorry about that though plenty of fish in the sea


I hope that's sarcasm. And to OP: Sorry to hear that, I think I'd rather it through text message than hearing it from a Counselor. But there are plenty of fish in the sea. That snag may have broken your line, but someone will come along and retie it for you :)

Make sure you return his balls because it's apparent he doesn't have them.

na she should keep them, he doesnt need them, the counceler does his dirty work.

I'm not even sure how or why the counsellor agreed to do this.

One for some reason that is so funny to me idk why but I hope you next bf does not do that??✋

Just be happy he did because that proves he has no balls :)

pussy, he should have presented a mla formatted document explaining the reasons for terminating a relationship.

nitrog100 21

Personally, I feel that APA format would be more appropriate for an interpersonal issue such as a breakup.

its better than breaking up over Facebook OP you deserve better than him... how on earth he got the idea to contact the guidance counselor to break up with you...

I'd say it's far more cowardly. What kind of spineless excuse for a man needs someone else to breakup for them? At least on Facebook he'd be doing it himself.