By Gross - 21/07/2013 23:20 - United States - Houston

Today, I got fired from my job as a seafood manager because an entire wedding group came in and started yelling at me, saying the shrimp was horrible and I ruined their wedding. They showed me the leftovers; they never cooked them. They fed raw shrimp at a wedding dinner party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 899
You deserved it 3 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

their ignorance is to blame for that one.

That's ridiculous. Some people are just really stupid.


Grauncho 27

A special kind of stupid that will breed and further contaminate the gene pool.

Soniye 14

*Sigh* Stupid people never seize to amaze me ... *facepalm* Especially a GROUP of them.

Did they not cook them because the shrimp were bad quality in the first place? I've bought bad seafood before and returned it uncooked. Just trying to figure out how you're responsible for this that your boss fired you?

thejimler 9

It specifically says leftovers, so it is safe to assume that they ate them raw instead of returning them immediately. Morons like these are the reason that if I ever became a politician, I'd put forth policies where demonstratively stupid people would have 'DUMBASS' tattooed on their foreheads, never be given positions of authority, and their genitals removed to prevent their breeding.

The amount of stupid in those people is too damn high!

perdix 29

Like the Red Lobster commercial, you Sea Food Differently -- as a career-ender. I don't get how you lose your job if you were supplying raw food and someone else was supposed to cook it. Maybe you already had two strikes against you and this is all your boss needed to can you?

tehdarkness 21

That is your fault should have checked the food

You are stupid. The place where OP worked only supplies food they don't cook it.

If the bride and groom missed that one, they truly deserve each other. Anyone else thinking they cooked and enjoyed everything but the so called raw leftovers so they could complain and get the cost of the wedding down?

ok so i'm going to assume that you worked in some kind of seafood wholesale place. If so, then there would be other fresh seafood on ice in the refrigerated display case, yes? so how the hell did they not make the connection that the shrimp were raw? Seems to be not one active brain cell in the entire wedding party!!!