By jadakorn - 11/07/2009 13:48 - United States
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"Who is phone is this?" ummm, okay then.
So even discounting the whose/who's thing and the over explanation thing, the illustration still makes no sense. She finds her boyfriends phone on the ground and assumes he's cheating on her? What gave her that impression? Is she reading a text message? Does the wallpaper say "I'm cheating on my girlfriend"? Even if she saw it bounced out of the window, the FML implies its his window. Maybe she's confused and doesn't know its his building. Maybe he's leading a double life and this is the family she doesn't know about. So bravo to the illustrator, you pulled off quite a feat managing to over narrate your exposition while at the same time making a completely nonsensical story.
So... while everyone else complains it's TOO blatantly explained, you're complaining the reader has to infer ONE tiny detail?
@126 Talking about reading, you apparently aren't very good at it. At least where my comment is concerned. Conversely though maybe you are actually extremely spectacular at it, because you seem to have succeeded where many others have failed, you actually understand why she thinks the guy is cheating by seeing his cellphone. I listed four possibilities, each one crazier than the next (and none would be considered a "tiny" detail you could be reasonably expected to infer). So impart upon me your wisdom, did I guess it correctly? Or were you able to divine some fifth option that didn't occur to my simple mind. PS, since I'm being mean and sarcastic right now (you are actually probably a great person, and I don't mean any of this personally) I may as well cover the seeming contradiction. My last sentence complains about the fact the the illustrator over explains an unimportant details of the story (the boyfriend part, as 120 so kindly explained) yet seems to fail at explaining key details. PPS, you even told 120 that the reason the boyfriend part was necessary was because FML readers are idiots who have no deductive reasoning. Which really is going farther than my original complaint. But hey, we can't all live consistent lives, what fun would that be?
Some of the FML illustrations have a twist on them. It's not a new thing, but I think this was stretched a little too far.
If it was assumed it was his window, why would his girlfriend be surprised to see his phone there? She would probably think he dropped it when he was outside. So, she's probably reading a text message, because if not he could have just dropped it when he was walking. Do us all a favor and think before you say something like that. This answer was fairly obvious.
This is totally fake. There's no way it would bounce that far, and why wouldn't you have a screen on your window?
wrong whose btdubs
so it was your phone that hit my head
A pond with fountains that squirt the water up, FML cubed.
Use your bed as a trampoline , bounce out the window , and get your phone back . Your must have a pretty high/bouncy bed & a low/close window , sounds very unrealistic unless you whip your phone down .
Well, you know what they say. If you love something, let it go...